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Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary! We have just completed our first year of serving those in need in the Somerville area. We ended with a bang. Three consecutive weeks serving between 46 and 50 families each week. And we have been distributing more nutritious options including 15 cases of fresh produce on Tuesday alone! In theory, there is no way we could accomplish this in our small confines supported by a congregation the size of Emmanuel. And yet we did by keeping focused on the Lord and the work He wanted us to do.

And one of the most important works that we did was keep our eyes off ourselves and on serving those who came with all of the love we could muster. Paul told the Ephesians (Chapter 4), if they were humble and gentle and patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of their love, they would keep themselves united in the Spirit and be bound together with peace. As we focused on treating our clients with dignity and love without judgment, they felt the love of Jesus. But we also set the stage for how we treated each other. The result is a unity of spirit that is incredible! Praise God! His Word is true!

At Alpha last night, one of our clients said it this way, “I am very happy with the quality of the food I get. I go home with quality brands and food for my family that I could not afford. But that is not what I look forward to each month. I look forward to interacting with each of you who serve at the pantry. I am lifted up each time I come and really enjoy talking to each of you and receiving prayer from Pastor Jerry before I leave!” Reflecting Christ in how we treat others can’t be understated and will not be missed by those who come whether they are being served or are serving!

Thank you all for your sacrificial service!

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