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Christmas Miracles

Christmas is just a few days away. We celebrate Jesus the Christ coming to earth bringing good news to the poor and challenging us to follow him. I can’t help but think that each of you who have volunteered your time these past eight months have followed Him as witnessed by the sacrifice of your time and how you have led with your hearts. In Isaiah 1, the prophet told us to “learn to do good, seek justice and help the oppressed and if you obey me, you will have plenty to eat.” We who are doing His work have been fed…fed with the blessings of seeing God’s hand move repeatedly. And we have been fed by the grateful hearts of the poor whom we served with food, love and empathy. Just last week, we had moms crying in gratitude for the gifts we provided as they thought there would be nothing for their children on Christmas day.

But, ultimately, God has made provision for Feeding Hands to reach out. Last Tuesday afternoon as we were about to close, Ursula told me there was only one can of soup left on the shelf. Soup has been very hard to come by at the foodbank so I was not sure how it would be replenished. Out of the blue at 2:45pm, we received a message from Finderne Rescue Squad telling us they had done a food drive over the weekend and wanted Feeding Hands to receive the collection. Four hours later they arrived with an ambulance full of food! We put a portion on the shelf before we closed and the soup shelf was overflowing. Then, this past weekend we received $1000’s of additional dollars of new toys and clothing which we were able to share with even more of our clients. Witness God blessing us through provision!

He also showed how he is in control of the powers of governments. Feeding Hands made two submissions for government approvals over the past month. Our request for charitable status, which can take from two to more than 18 months, was approved in NINE days by the IRS over Thanksgiving week. The date of approval was SUNDAY, November 30th! Then we submitted to the State of NJ for the sales tax exemption that instructions say takes a minimum of three weeks for approval. We needed this exemption so we would not have to pay almost $1000 in sales tax on the purchase of the box truck. The approval was issued in ONE day. There is no way this is a coincidence but the hand of God blessing us as we share the good news of his Son to the poor in Somerville and the surrounding area. Each time we see His hand move on behalf of one of our clients, or our ministry, it cannot help but build our faith. And a growing faith is the biggest blessing we could ever ask for as it will strengthen us for the trials that will come until we join Him in heaven for all eternity.

So, as you share time with your family and friends this Christmas season, I hope you will glorify Him and encourage others by sharing the stories of how he has provided for this ministry and those it serves. I hope you will also share how He has blessed and fed you, personally, through the offering of your hand and heart in obedience. Because it is the “blood of the lamb and the power of our testimony” that will defeat the accuser and move hearts for Jesus. (Rev 12:11)

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