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Hams from the Blue!

Your time commitment makes it possible to feed the many families who come to us. But the love you show them is life altering. And the Lord is blessing us with signs he is with us.

Early in the month, Jerry received a call from “the blue” asking if we could take 17 cases of hams. We did not solicit these hams; do not know who brought them to us or how they were directed to us. At least at first. When we realized there were 10 hams in each of those cases making 170 the total number of hams we received, we knew the Lord directed this donation. Feeding Hands feeds an average of 170 families each and every month. The Lord provided a ham for each of our families!

John was new to us one day this month. As he sat in the sanctuary waiting to be taken in to select his food, he picked up a hymnal from the front of his seat. Mary Lou came out to take him through to intake and heard the Holy Spirit in his song. He told her how he missed his hymnal and his bible. She checked with Ginger and she quickly agreed to give him the hymnal. “I have good news” she said. “They have told me you can take the hymnal with you as a gift.” “You are lying!” he almost shouted. Startled, she said she heard the Spirit say to her, “He is not used to being given gifts.” So she said to him, “No, you can have this.” He jumped up and gave her a huge hug as tears streamed down her face. He also was choking back tears. Mary Lou went and found him a bible to go with the hymnal.

Yes, we give out food. Lots of it. But we give out so much more. Thank you for volunteering because we couldn’t do it without you!

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